This book is the definitive text documenting the Confederate and Union postal systems operating in Florida between 1861 and 1865. Most of the major Confederate and Union covers are reproduced in color, with a complete census of over 1600 covers.
Author Deane R. Briggs, MD, has spent 30 years researching and exhibiting Florida postal history. His research uses records from auction catalogs dating to the 1930s as well as archival material from the Florida State Archives, making this an invaluable Civil War postal history reference.
All Florida towns that had post offices during the period are listed, together with the names of postmasters, compensation rates, and post office receipts. All postal routes used during this period are described in detail. Official Union occupation post offices and the Key West, Fort Pickens and Fort Jefferson post offices that operated during the war are recorded along with examples of all known Union Florida postal markings.