This section briefly addresses areas that the general Confederate collector is most likely to encounter. While none of the areas are addressed in detail there is sufficient information to gain an understanding to the topic.
Click on any topic for more information
- Confederate Postage Rates
- Brief History of Confederate Philately
- Collecting Confederates
- Who, What & Why?
- Independent States (under construction)
- Confederate Use of US Postage (under construction)
- Stampless
- Postmasters’ Provisionals
- General Issues
- Blockade Mail (under construction)
- Flag of Truce Mail (under construction)
- POW Mail (under construction)
- Trans-Mississippi Mail (under construction)
- Private Express Companies (under construction)
- Official Imprints (under construction)
- Semi-Offical Imprints (under construction)
- Patriotic Covers
- Wall Paper Covers (under construction)
- Fakes