Collections and exhibits contain many unusual and rare items that are rarely seen on the market. Sharing these offers the opportunity to showcase a collection or exhibit to a much wider audience. All viewers, from the beginner to the most dedicated collector, can learn something new.
Most of the exhibits listed below were formally entered in competition. It is the content of these exhibits and collections that make them both interesting to view and useful in research.
If you would like to showcase your collection or exhibit on this site, contact our webmaster for more information.
The exhibits are arranged by topic. Some exhibits may take a few minutes to load due to file size.
View any of the exhibits below by clicking on the title
- Advertising Covers
- Advertising Covers in the Confederacy – Larry Baum
- Adversity Covers
- The American Civil War: Adversity Uses – Daniel Ryterband
- Confederate States of America Adversity Covers – The Ozark Collection
- City and State Postal History
- Arkansas 1861-1865 A Divided Postal System – Bruce Roberts
- Florida Civil War Postal History – Deane R. Briggs
- Arkansas Under Two Flags – Rodney Kelley
- Huntsville, Alabama Confederate Postal History – Michael C. O’Reilly
- Charleston, South Carolina – The First Year of Secession – Richard L. Calhoun
- Under Six Flags Expanding the Mail Service in Texas 1801-1865 – Vince King
- Texas During the Confederate Period: How Mail Was Handled 1861-1865 – Vince King
- Tuscaloosa During the Civil War – Richard Lomax
- Confederate Use of US Postage
- U.S. Mail Service in the Seceded and Confederate States December 20, 1860 – May 31, 1861 – Steven M. Roth
- U.S. Post Office Department Operations in the Seceded States in 1861 – Jerry Wells
- Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
- Provisional Issues of North Carolina Confederate Mail 1861-1865 – Tony L. Crumbley
- Mobile, Alabama CSA Provisional Issue – Van Koppersmith
- Postmasters Provisionals (v2.0) – Rolf-Dieter Jaretzky
- New Orleans Postmasters’ Provisionals – George L. Pegram
- Confederate General Issues
- De La Rue Stamps for the Confederate States of America – Leonard H. Hartmann
- The Ten-Cent Copper Plate Engraved Stamps of the Rebel States – Daniel Ryterband
- The 10 Cent Steel Plate Issues of 1863-65 – Randy Neil
- Southern Classics – The General Issues of the Confederate States of America – Gene Hastings
- Confederate States of America 1861-1865 – Benjamin Wishnietsky
- Patriotic Covers
- Building Confederate Unity: The Important Role of Flag Covers – Randolph Smith
- Patriotic Covers, Lettersheets, Etc., Used within and from the Confederate States of America during the Civil War (1861-1865) – John H. Walker
- Mourning Covers
- Edged in Black – Mourning Covers in the Confederacy – David Savadge
- Confederate Semi-Offical Covers
- The Nitre and Mining Bureau – Thomas M. Lera
- Waterway Mail
- The Vital Role of Waterways in the Carriage of Confederate Mail – Steven M. Roth
- Postal History
- The American Civil War: The Anaconda Plan – Daniel Ryterband
- A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails – Daniel Ryterband (revised May 2024, APS Champion of Champions)
- Special Postal Routes Across The Lines During the American Civil War – Steven C. Walske
- Civil War Blockade of the Southern Coasts – Steven C. Walske
- Confederate Mail Transmission Across the Union Lines During the American Civil War – Daniel M. Knowles, MD
- United States Demonetization and Transition to the 1861 Issue Stamps – Daniel M. Knowles, MD
- The Allure of Confederate Postal History – Charles Hanselmann
- Civil War Fiscal History
- Using the Documents of Commerce to Fund the Civil War 1862-1872 – John Lighthouse (updated Nov 2024)
- Civil War Era Fiscal History Panorama – Michael Mahler
- Philatelic Scripophily: Taking a Bite from the Bulls and the Bears – Michael Mahler
- Florida Fiscal History, 1862-1872: A Tour of the State – Michael Mahler
- Other
- American Civil War – Anders Olason
- Canada/British North America (BNA) – Union & Confederate Postal Correspondence in U.S. Civil War Era (1859-1867) – Ronald Majors
- The McCrady Family Civil War Correspondence – Phil Eschbach
- Who, What & Why – Richard F. Murphy and Steven M. Roth
If you have electronic copies (scans or PDF files) of your exhibit or collection pages that you would like displayed to this site, contact our webmaster to submit new material.
Other Exhibits Online
Richard Frajola has online versions of some excellent CSA Exhibits including exhibits on the Confederate States Navy, Blockade Mail and Mourning Covers.
John Kimbrough has several exhibits shown on his web site including material on Confederate Patriotic Covers and Confederate Fakes, Phonies and Forgeries.
Trish Kaufmann hosts many CSA exhibits, as well as links to CSA exhibits on other websites.