The abbreviated guidelines below are to help authors prepare articles for the Civil War Philatelist (CWP). For more detailed information on preparing an article see “Writing for the Civil War Philatelist from the Editor.”
– The article should focus on the stamps or postal history which is the subject of the article.
– As a guideline, 60 percent should be about the stamps or postal history.
– Scanned images are preferred.
– Images should be sized at 100% of the actual size.
– Images may be in JPG or TIF Format
– Scan images of covers at 300 dpi and stamps at 600 dpi.
– Each image must be a separate file.
– If a scanner is not available high-quality photocopies or the originals may be sent to the Article Coordinator. Originals are preferred to ensure the best quality. Original items will be returned promptly after scanning.
– All text should be in Word format (DOC or DOCX) using “Normal” style.
– Use 81/2 x 11 paper with normal margins. Do not attempt to size or format for the CWP.
– Do not use any special feature(s) of Word as this may create errors when the text is formatted for the CWP. Italics, bold and tabs are fine.
– Do not embed illustrations and captions in the text. You may submit two copies of the article: one with and one without images.
– When appropriate, please use endnotes to document direct quotes and information that is not commonly known.
– Examples of endnotes can be found on the CWPS website.
– Submit all captions on a separate page from the text.
– The captions should be numbered (i.e., Figure 1) and these numbers should be the same as used in the text.
– A copyright release is no longer required.
– Submit all articles to the Article Coordinator, not to the editor.
– Articles may be submitted as email attachments or via “We Transfer” for larger files.
The Article Coordinator’s address is: Frank Crown, PO Box 278, Capshaw AL 35742: Email: